Sunday 23 June 2013

Full Stop Bullying Part Two

So this is part two of my 'Full Stop Bullying' blogs where I'm attempting to emphasize the effects of bullying on teens in schools.

This post will be focusing on the pressing issue of self harm and teen suicide. I'm going to try and make this the least depressing I can! we know that bullying can cause depression, self harm and self hatred and again, I feel as though no-one should have to suffer and feel like this.

Most people say that people can turn to being a bully because of 'issues at home'. This may be true in some cases but I see it as an easy alibi for them. No-one should be abused regardless of someone else's problem. They need to keep this to themselves and not inflict hatred on anyone else.

A victim of bullying is statistically more likely to be someone who is quiet and won't retaliate. These teens are seen as easy targets. I want to make it clear that no-one should be an easy target. Be outspoken. Retaliate. I'm fed up of people getting away with being a bully and others telling a victim not to say anything back. Violence is never the option but make sure you don't sit back and let it happen. Tell a teacher, you're parents or even your best friends.

A record number of teens have started to cut themselves predominantly on their arms and thighs due to bullying and depression. This leaves them with scars inside and out. It is a horrific experience that shouldn't occur.

Every cut tells a painful story. They try to kill their pain with pain. The frustration and hopelessness can't be measured in blood. Every time they see their reflection, they are reminded of the pain they have put themselves through. They make excuses for wearing long sleeves. Self harm is a deadly disease of the mind and the amount of scars on the outside doesn't show the amount of suffering on the inside. (Yes I got most of this from somewhere else but I think it has quite a big impact.)

If you are reading this and have ever/are self harmed/harming then please find it in you to stop. You think that no-one cares but people do. In fact quite a lot of people do. I don't even know you but I'm here, trying to stop you.

If you're thinking of suicide, don't. You're not only hurting yourself but you'll have a major effect on people around you. And that's pretty selfish. Believe it or not, people do care even if they don't show it.

It upsets and shocks me and many others to know that teens feel as though they have to commit suicide just to get away from bullies and depression. I really want to stop this. Even if I only help one person, that's one less innocent victim's life taken.

Don't ever feel like you've messed up because society is the slip up here.

Thank you for reading this post. Don't hesitate to contact me as I'm always here to talk @JoshwaVlogs on Twitter or anonymously on

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