Monday, 24 June 2013

Help Me?

I know I ramble on about my YouTube channel all the time but I'm really eager to make something good happen. I can't do this without YOUR help! 

I really need more subscribers. I only have a small number of people who actually take the time to watch my videos so I'm looking to expand my audience. Please go to my channel (the link is somewhere on here) and click that lovely button that says subscribe!

I obviously make Vlogs to go onto my channel so it would mean a lot to me if you watched them and gave them a big thumbs up! Knowing that complete strangers and friends watch my videos is honestly really uplifting so getting a larger audience would be amazing.

I also have twitter and I regularly post links to my videos. It would mean a lot if you could go onto my twitter ( @JoshwaVlogs ) and RT my links. 

You can also post links directly from my channel. 

I know I keep pestering you guys but I'm really determined to reach my targets. I don't want you to think that I'm begging either!

Thank you for reading this post. 
Go find me on my links below:

TWITTER - @JoshwaVlogs

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Full Stop Bullying Part Two

So this is part two of my 'Full Stop Bullying' blogs where I'm attempting to emphasize the effects of bullying on teens in schools.

This post will be focusing on the pressing issue of self harm and teen suicide. I'm going to try and make this the least depressing I can! we know that bullying can cause depression, self harm and self hatred and again, I feel as though no-one should have to suffer and feel like this.

Most people say that people can turn to being a bully because of 'issues at home'. This may be true in some cases but I see it as an easy alibi for them. No-one should be abused regardless of someone else's problem. They need to keep this to themselves and not inflict hatred on anyone else.

A victim of bullying is statistically more likely to be someone who is quiet and won't retaliate. These teens are seen as easy targets. I want to make it clear that no-one should be an easy target. Be outspoken. Retaliate. I'm fed up of people getting away with being a bully and others telling a victim not to say anything back. Violence is never the option but make sure you don't sit back and let it happen. Tell a teacher, you're parents or even your best friends.

A record number of teens have started to cut themselves predominantly on their arms and thighs due to bullying and depression. This leaves them with scars inside and out. It is a horrific experience that shouldn't occur.

Every cut tells a painful story. They try to kill their pain with pain. The frustration and hopelessness can't be measured in blood. Every time they see their reflection, they are reminded of the pain they have put themselves through. They make excuses for wearing long sleeves. Self harm is a deadly disease of the mind and the amount of scars on the outside doesn't show the amount of suffering on the inside. (Yes I got most of this from somewhere else but I think it has quite a big impact.)

If you are reading this and have ever/are self harmed/harming then please find it in you to stop. You think that no-one cares but people do. In fact quite a lot of people do. I don't even know you but I'm here, trying to stop you.

If you're thinking of suicide, don't. You're not only hurting yourself but you'll have a major effect on people around you. And that's pretty selfish. Believe it or not, people do care even if they don't show it.

It upsets and shocks me and many others to know that teens feel as though they have to commit suicide just to get away from bullies and depression. I really want to stop this. Even if I only help one person, that's one less innocent victim's life taken.

Don't ever feel like you've messed up because society is the slip up here.

Thank you for reading this post. Don't hesitate to contact me as I'm always here to talk @JoshwaVlogs on Twitter or anonymously on

Also, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel at  

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Yesterday was officially the first day of British Summer Time; even though it doesn't quite feel like it yet! I'm strangely busy for most of the summer as I have adopted a social life! I really excited that I can take so many new opportunities and turn them into life experiences. I want you guys to follow me throughout my summer journey as I will be posting pictures and blogs on here and on my Twitter and YouTube Channel (links below). 

Firstly I'm off to Berlin with my school at the end of July where I hope to gain new experiences and to enjoy a trip away with some of my friends. I will be vlogging parts of my Berlin trip and also updating you guys on my blog. I'm also there to learn about the History of the country so it's not a holiday!

I'm still relatively new to the YouTuber community but I have already found out about some great ideas and meet ups taking place all over the world. Later this year me and a couple of my friends are off to London to go to Summer In The City 2013. This is a great opportunity for me to promote my channel and talk to other, well established YouTubers about their videos. I also hope to be able to meet many other people of the Internet and make some good connections. I can't express how excited me and my friends are about this whole trip! I will of course also be blogging and vlogging during my time away.

So they are just a couple of things that I am doing this summer and I'm sure that there is a lot more going on.

Thank you for reading this post, please help me to promote my blog and my YouTube Channel by sharing this and following me on Twitter @JoshwaVlogs or subscribing to my YouTube Channel

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Full Stop Bullying Part One

So I'm planning to write a series of blogs about bullying that I'm branding 'Full Stop Bullying' to help teens who feel suicidal and to stamp out bullying all together.

Bullying is a major issue within many schools and communities all over the world. We see films where teens get bullied almost all of the time now-a-days. Does this mean that bullying has been condoned to the normal routine in schools?

No matter who you are or what you've done, no-one deserves to be bullied or abused. Bullies can make a person feel unwanted, weak and horrible inside and out. This point is widely publicized on the web and in schools but how much good does it actually do?

We know the extent victims will go to when they feel undermined by these creatures that feel it is OK to abuse someone. This could be from taking time away from society, to severe depression and in more extreme cases, suicide.

Personally, I don't feel as though anyone should feel unwanted or hated and the thought of young, innocent teens taking their lives because of some inconsiderate bullies makes me sick.

The statistics of teen suicide attempts is very alarming and disturbing:
- 14 per cent of high school students have considered suicide
- 7 per cent have attempted suicide
- Half of suicides in Britain are linked to bullying

Many films are made about bullying but I'm not sure whether this sometimes promotes bullying rather than stops it.
There are several different types of bullying including:
- Physical abuse (punching, kicking)
- Verbal abuse (swearing, homophobic)
- Cyber abuse (typing offensive topics on the internet)
- Indirect verbal abuse (spreading rumors)

If you have ever been the bully or you are the bully, I strongly urge you to to stop. Bullies are small minded cowards that have no lives and its safe to say they're going nowhere in life anyway! If someone is getting upset and you think it's a joke. It's not.

You wouldn't want to be responsible for someone committing suicide and you wouldn't want to be in the victims situation. Think before you act is a very relevant point.

This is part one of my Full Stop Bullying blog which has quite a few installments, the second part will be on here soon where I will be homing in on the topic of teen suicide.

Please go and follow me on Twitter @JoshwaVlogs and try and trend #FullStopBullying
You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel JoshwaVlogs

Thank you for taking the time to read this but I believe that if we all understood a little more about bullying, we could stop it all together.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

My YouTube Channel

Hola internet people!

If you follow my YouTube Channel, , you'll know that I haven't been uploading much recently. I'm not getting bored of vlogging, and I'm not stopping anytime soon!

I've recently bought a new camera to vlog with; its really good but it now takes me a lot longer to edit my videos. I'm also working on new formats to make and produce my videos so they aren't as bad as the videos I made when I first started vlogging!

I'm splitting my videos on my channel into series'. The videos from 'First World Problems' to 'Question Time' are series one. So series two begins with '"You're So Sweet..."' onward.

If you watch my series one videos and then my series two videos there are quite a few improvements I have made. Some are for the viewers point of view, e.g. brightness and editing. And some are for my benefit. I now script parts of my videos and plan in advance.
The planning is also quite time consuming!

I am also in the process of giving my channel a face-lift including keeping up-to-date with Google and YouTube's software and adding my new picture (attached) to my channel.

I am taking this time off to plan videos well in advance so they hold more quality content and don't just have me rambling on about random subjects.

So yes, I am taking slightly more time to plan, get my ideas sorted and film but I will be back uploading regularly as soon as July this year. If you didn't know already, my upload day is a Friday and this will still remain.

I will also be keeping you up-to-date with my progress on here and on my twitter page @JoshwaVlogs

So say hello to the new face of my channel!